Thursday, June 28, 2012

We are still here

It was on a day like this
A bright December day
When I took out my card
Went out to do my patriotic duty
And came back home, to my family
And sat, watching the news, waiting
For results of the democratic process

But results took long to come
Media tried doing the math
But someone withheld some figures
And before they said “math is hard”
Someone was being sworn in
In a secret ceremony
By his appointees
While the man who knew the entire math
And the law of these things
Stupidly said
“I don’t know who the winner is”

We didn’t pray that night
These things were not of faith
And then,
The noises, the screams, the cries, the shots,
Tore the peacefully disturbed night

It was on a night like this.
We packed and started heading home
Back to the land of our ancestors
But we were intercepted
The police fired, afraid
The thugs hacked, intoxicated

Then on a day like this
When the children lay dead in forests
When mothers, beaten, raped, humiliated,
Could cry no more
When the ash of our property
Flew about confused
They decided to shake hands
They had had enough of the drama
Even from the comfort of their guarded homes
The live horror movie was disturbing

Years after that handshake
They casually talk about us
Like we brought this on ourselves
They feed us on rotten promises
Like the diseased maize they bring
They put a noose on only four
Leaving the butchers and arsonists
To greet us every morning
With cynical smiles that say:
“We are still here, remember that!”

 Karani Kelvin. - I also blog at Business Tips Kenya. Share your thoughts, comments, compliments and criticisms below. 

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